How to calibrate a digital bathroom scale

Pursuing healthy living requires motivation at times, and bathroom scales are meant to do just that. Bathroom scales are supposed to give you a tangible indication of how much effort you have made in achieving your goal weight. This emphasizes the importance of having an accurate scale.

In reality, bathroom scales tend to be inconsistent. They can give you a different reading each time you step on them. Granted, body weight can fluctuate throughout the day, but even the relatively good quality scales can be really fickle.

But do not despair. This article will break down how you can calibrate your digital bathroom scale and get accurate readings every time.

How to know if your digital bathroom scale is accurate

  1. Zero out your scale. Press down on the dial, then lift your hand. The dial should immediately revert to zero.
  2. Test the accuracy of the scale. Weigh something that has a known weight. Try something like an unopened bag of flour or a hand weight.
  3. Reweigh the product five times. Take it off the weight and repeat the process five times. The weight should be consistent at least three out of five times.
  4. Weigh yourself and the product. Now hold the product in your hand and step on the scale. Note the weight and proceed to weigh yourself without the product. Note the difference.
  5. Take the scale to a different location. If the weight is still inconsistent, try a different room. Make sure the scale is on a hard surface like the kitchen floor and not a carpet.

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Why the digital scale is not working

Did you know that you’ll need to recalibrate your digital scale every time you move it? Resetting the scale allows its internal components to locate the zero weight accurately.

If you move your scale and do not recalibrate it, there are higher chances of getting fluctuating results.

How to calibrate a digital scale

  • Put the scale on a hard, flat surface such as concrete, hardwood, ceramic, or porcelain tile. Avoid soft surfaces like vinyl or linoleum.
  • Place your foot on the scale until numbers appear and once you see dashes or zeros, remove your foot.
  • Give the scale time to turn off once again.
  • The scale is now ready for use.

Fixing an inaccurate digital weighing scale

If the scale is still inaccurate, it might be time for a complete reset. Remove all the batteries from the scale. Let it rest for at least 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, ensure that the battery compartment is clean and free of dust and debris. Also, check that the batteries are still working and have the right polarity. Reinsert the batteries and make sure they are firmly in place.

Hopefully, this article helps you calibrate your digital bathroom scale and get more accurate readings. But if nothing works, consider contacting a professional because the scale may be defective. Otherwise, if you follow these steps, your scale should be accurate.