Can almond milk cause constipation?

Do you get adverse reactions every time you add a new dietary substitute to your diet? If you are like me, you probably like to carry out extensive research before changing diet food items lest you end up suffering from gastrointestinal distress. So does almond milk upset your stomach?

Almond milk does not cause constipation. In retrospect, almond milk does contain fiber and is not likely to cause constipation. However, some brands of almond milk may contain additives such as carrageenan for thickening purposes, which can lead to diarrhea or constipation.

Nutritional composition of almond milk

Almond milk contains one gram of fiber per glass (240ml). It is also rich in magnesium, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids, making it an excellent dietary substitute for dairy milk.

Some manufacturers also fortify their almond milk with essential minerals and vitamins such as calcium and vitamin D.

Read Also: The best milk frothers for almond milk

Is almond milk good for toddlers?

Yes. Almond milk is an excellent source of nutrition for kids as an alternative to dairy milk. One of two servings is safe unless the toddler is allergic to the nut.

Do not give infants under one year almond milk as it contains fiber that might be too complex for their digestive system.

Almond milk side effects

These are some of the side effects that you may face when using almond milk.

1. Nut allergy reaction

Almond milk will cause an allergic reaction to people allergic to nuts, just like nuts do.

In some cases, some people may not be allergic to groundnuts and peanuts, but they may be allergic to tree nuts. So make sure you are no allergic to almonds before you start consuming almond milk.

2. Thyroid dysfunction

Almond milk has been shown to cause thyroid problems in some consumers. On account of it being a goiter-genic food.

This means it interferes with proper thyroid function, leading to some adverse hormonal deficiencies, which can, in turn, lead to an enlarged thyroid gland.

3. Digestive Problems

Did you know that some people are incapable of digesting almonds? This causes them to have a bloated stomach, diarrhea, or stomach cramps. Part of the issue can be attributed to the additives used to thicken the milk.

4. Migraines

The amino acid tyrosine is known to cause migraines in some individuals.

Almond milk does contain trace amounts of this amino acid and can, therefore, cause some people to have migraines. But this can be avoided with moderate consumption of milk.

The bottom line

So while almond milk may not cause constipation, it can lead to several allergic reactions.

If you suffer from allergic reactions or other issues caused by nut consumption, do your research before you start consuming almond milk.

You can also talk to your doctor or physician to find out if you are bound to suffer from any adverse reactions when you consume almond milk. In truth, until you experience any adverse reactions, you can try to drink the milk and see if you will get affected by the almond milk.