How to clean reusable sous vide bags properly

One of the best and most important features of good sous vide bags is that they are endlessly reusable. Although this might be the case you still need to have them thoroughly cleaned and dried so that they can last long.

Note that reusable sous vide bags are different from single-use types. If you need to reuse one, then go for these high-quality reusable bags that are not only excellent at sous vide, but are also BPA-free.

Before you can embark on cleaning the bags, take note of these important steps.

Washing in the sink

When you are washing the bags in a sink here is one of the easiest ways to do it.

  1. The first thing you need to do when cleaning the bags in a sink is to turn them inside out. This is the best way to get them clean faster. You don’t have to do this if the bag isn’t very dirty.
  2. Fill in the sink with about two to three inches of soapy water and immerse the sous vide bags. Let the water sip through the bag opening then rub it with your two hands for about a minute
  3. Rinse under running water, and you will have clean bags.

Using a dishwasher

You can also choose to clean the bags using a dishwasher. A lot of people will find this method easier and more routine.

  1. The first step is to turn the bags inside out so that the jets of water can reach the dirty surface of the bag.
  2. Place them in the dishwasher but ensure that you move the other items around so that they can anchor the bags and keep them from flying around.
  3. You should have as many of the bags exposed as possible while at the same time it shouldn’t block the dishes from getting cleaned.

When you are done cleaning, air them to dry. One of the best ways of doing this is by using bamboo skewers or anything that is long and thin such as wooden dowels, chopsticks, or a wooden spoon.