HEY bracelets review: Do they work for long distance relationships?

A long-distance relationship can be tough, especially when you have to give up some of the things you used to enjoy together. However, this doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to connect to your loved one in one way or another.

You can’t be on the phone all day. But technology is bringing more ways to connect to your loved one without having to talk. The HEY bracelets are one of those gadgets that have been developed to bridge the distance between you and your loved ones.

How do HEY bracelets work?

HEY works by mimicking a real human touch, unlike other bracelets that do it with a buzz or mechanical vibration. This gadget is designed in such a way that it delivers a gentle squeeze on your loved one’s hand, whenever you touch it on your end.

Hey bracelet

Just a simple touch and your loved one will know that you are thinking of them, wishing them luck, waking them up, and saying hello. Whether you want to connect to your children, lovers, friends, or parents, this gadget promises a whole new experience. The best part is, unlike the friendship lamps, you can use HEY bracelets wherever you are.

Connectivity and communication

To use HEY, you need to get a set of two bracelets and a HEY app on your smartphone. The bracelets have advanced technology which enables them to send or receive signals when paired with your smartphone through Bluetooth.

Each bracelet should then be configured via the app on each owner’s smartphone. This enables them to communicate via the internet. To connect to a loved one, simply send a request to them via the app. It will connect when they accept your request.

To send a message, simply wrap your hand around the bracelet. The touch will be transferred directly to another party’s bracelet wherever he or she is in the world as long as there is an internet connection. He or she will feel a gentle squeeze on the wrist instantly. This is not only more intimate than the buzzers, but also prevents instances where you accidentally trigger the bracelet.



HEY bracelets require charging in order to work. A simple charge from 0 to 100% will take you about 30 minutes. A full charge will last for up to 3 weeks. In addition, it is weatherproof hence you don’t need to leave it behind during winter.

These HEY bracelets are in development by the HEY team and Gijs Huisman who is a Social Touch Technology expert from the University of Twente. His study of haptic technology for over 5 years has brought about meaningful conclusions to make this friendship and long-distance relationship bracelet a reality.

Wrapping up

Whether it is a simple touch, a pat on the back, hugging, or holding hands, social touch is a crucial part of a relationship between family members, friends, or lovers. If you care about people, it is crucial to maintain a happy and healthy relationship no matter the distance. The HEY bracelet is the best attempt yet to make social touch reality without having to meet a person face to face.