How much water does a mister use per hour?

Misters are an awesome way to keep cool during the summer but they can be an extra expense if you do not wish to incur additional costs. Grated the cost might be cheaper than an air conditioner, but to determine how much it costs to use a mister, you need to know how many gallons of water does a mister use?

There are a number of factors to consider in order to determine how much water a mister uses per hour. Not all misters are created equal.

The type and purpose of the system

You need to consider the type of misting system you are using. An outdoor or patio misting system is bound to use much more water than a greenhouse misting system.

Due to the fact that an outdoor system is used to cool while the latter is used to keep the plants moist.

Nozzle count and flowrate

Next, you need to consider the misting nozzle flow rate and the number of nozzles. Ideally, the size of the nozzles determines the mist produced and ultimately the cooling effect. This works in tandem with the water pressure.

You can have smaller nozzle diameters and lower water pressure or vice versa. Water pressure plays a huge role in regulating the nozzle flow rate.

Average water consumption

On average, the best misting systems use between 600ml and 800ml of water per minute. You also have the option to choose the water used by your mister when purchasing it.

The two most common options are 13.5 GPH (gallons per hour) or 51.1 LPH (liters per hour).

You can then multiply these figures by the number of misters in your system to determine the total amount of water used.

Consult your manual or mister specs sheet to get your model’s exact water consumption.

How does a water mister work?

Misters spray a fine mist of water through small nozzles in the air that evaporates thus creating an evaporative cooling effect.

Do misting fans get you wet?

No. the water droplets sprayed are too small that they evaporate as soon as they hit the air to create the much enjoyed cooling effect.

Unless you have a malfunctioning mister, you do not need to worry about getting wet.

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