How to prevent rust on a soap dispenser

Besides physical damage, soap dispensers are highly prone to rust. The exposure of the metal parts to moisture and oxygen results in oxidation that produces rust. This not only creates an eyesore but can be dangerous and costly when left unattended for a long time.

So, to help you out, we’ll discuss different ways to prevent or get the rust off a soap dispenser and keep it at bay.

The first sign that your soap dispenser is corroding is the formation of a reddish-brown oxide on the metallic parts. You should also watch out for brown stuff coming out of a soap dispenser that results from the rust residue mixing with your liquid soap.

This can be very dangerous.

How to get the rust off a soap dispenser

There are different methods you can use to eliminate rust from the metal parts of your soap dispenser. These are:

1. Using white vinegar

White vinegar is a versatile, natural cleaning agent that would clear any amount of rust build. You simply need to rub the vinegar on the affected area, leave it for a while then wash it.

Better still, if it’s a significant amount of rust, soak the rusted parts in a bowl of vinegar and leave them overnight. After a good soak, remove the metal parts and clean them with dish soap and water.

2. Using baking soda

Baking soda is another reliable rust-removal agent. However, it works best on thin metals and small amounts of rust.

Mix the baking powder with water to form a thick paste then apply the paste on the rusty parts of the metal and leave it for an hour or two. Scrub with a wire brush or steel wool then rinse and dry the parts.

3. Using citric acid

For this solution, add three tablespoons of citric acid to a bowl of hot water then submerge the rusty metal parts of your soap dispenser into the mixture overnight. Remove them and scrub off the rust residue.

Unfortunately, citric acid will also get rid of the paint and other metal coatings.

4. Using a mixture of lemon and salt

Lastly, you can combine lemon’s acidity and salt’s abrasiveness to fight rust. Start by covering the rusted spots with salt then squeeze lemon juice on top and let the mixture sit for at least two hours.

Use the lemon rind to scrub the mixture off then rinse off the residue and dry the parts.

Note: Other detergents that you can use to clean a steel soap dispenser and rid it of rust are Naval Jelly, Metal Glo, and a mixture of dish soap and salted potato.

How to prevent rust on a soap dispenser

Once all the rust is gone, it’s important to make sure it doesn’t build up again. How? By switching to rust-proof metal parts or rustproofing the available parts using the following methods:

  1. Spray clear nail polish: Put some clear nail polish in a spray bottle then spray the metal parts to create a protective coating against water. This will make it impossible for oxidation to take place.
  2. Use water-resistant paint: Apply water-resistant paint to prevent the metal from reacting with water and oxygen.
  3. Use resin: This is another good coating solution. You can use Pure Resin, Resin Glue, or Rustoleum.
  4. Using wax: Add raw beeswax to the metallic parts and you won’t have to worry about rust formation on your soap dispenser.

If you own a mason jar, here is a special guide for preventing rust.


From this guide, you have the best solutions to maintain a soap dispenser and prevent rust. This will ensure it stays stylish and functional for a long time.

However, a more permanent solution that can help you avoid all the hassle is getting stainless steel lids and rings because they don’t rust.