How to remove calcium deposits from humidifier

Humidifiers easily accumulate calcium on their metal elements which are often exposed to hard water.

Over time these deposits form a hard outer surface on the internal metallic surfaces. This calcium deposit not only makes your humidifier appear dirty but also hampers its efficiency.

How do you descale a humidifier?

Removal of brown flakes in a humidifier restores it back to its original form and improves its efficiency. You will need vinegar, a soft cloth, an old toothbrush, a dull knife or spoon, dish soap, and a bowl.

Once you have the items, follow these steps to remove calcium deposits from your humidifier.

  • First, unplug your humidifier from the electrical supply.
  • Start by cleaning the outer and exterior parts of the humidifier
  • Using a toothbrush, gently scrub the calcium deposits (The white powdery surface)
  • Try using water with a soft cloth after removing the deposits.
  • For stubborn deposits, soak a soft cloth in vinegar and apply it to the surface of the limescale. Leave the cloth on the surface for a few minutes.
  • Remove the vinegar soft cloth and use another clean cloth to wipe out the surface.
  • Rinse the surfaces using clean water.

However easy the process might seem to be, there are instances when you will be forced to disassemble the humidifier. This is true when there are some calcium deposits on the heating element.

Disassembling your humidifier may be complex or easy depending on the manufacturer’s design. It is advised to always consult your user guide when doing this. Other humidifiers may lack that disassembly option; consult your manufacturer in this case.

Read Also: How to descale a Zojirushi water boiler

How to clean the heating element

cleaning calcium deposits humidifier

The process for cleaning the heating element is almost similar to the one earlier stated. However, you can use a blunt knife or spoon to scraper off the stubborn deposits.

Follow these steps to remove calcium deposits from the heating element:

  • Scrape off the surface using a spoon or dull knife
  • If the deposits do not completely fall off, pour vinegar in a bowl (where you will place your humidifier heating element). There is a disclaimer that the entire heating element should not be soaked in vinegar.
  • Use a soft cloth to wipe away the removed deposits from your heating element.
  • Rinse the heating element with clean water before wiping it with a clean soft cloth.
  • If you had to disassemble the humidifier, reassemble and dry it with a piece of cloth before reconnecting to the power source.

If you had been wondering how to prevent your humidifier from scaling, hopefully, the above tips have come in handy. Remember to repeat the process after every few months for your humidifier to last longer. If you are in the market for a humidifier, check out our guide on choosing the best humidifier for asthmatics and allergies.

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