Why your Samsung refrigerator ice tastes bad and the fix

You are looking forward to a glass of ice-cold water, but the taste of the ice is off. What could be the issue?

Well, there are a couple of reasons why the ice tastes bad but the water is fine in your Samsung refrigerator. We will cover the most common causes and provide working solutions.

4 reasons why ice from your Samsung refrigerator tastes bad

If the water or ice smells bad or is accompanied by a terrible taste, the causes range from the items you’ve kept in your refrigerator to a malfunctioning ice maker. The top 4 causes are:

1. Food odors

Food in storage can lead to bad-tasting ice as it’s capable of transferring smells, especially when containers are not well sealed, leading to spillage of foods in the fridge. In some cases, you may find that the water will taste just fine while the ice is rancid.

To resolve this;

  • Ensure that all food containers are tightly sealed.
  • Ensure no spills are left unattended.
  • Discard all spoilt food.
  • Place baking soda in the fridge as it absorbs odors. Ensure to change every 3 months.
  • Clean the fridge regularly using a damp cloth and, or a mild cleaning agent, diluted vinegar, or lemon water.
  • Deep clean your refrigerator at least four times a year.

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2. Issues with the copper supply line

You may get a coppery taste in ice cubes from your Samsung fridge ice maker if the fridge has a copper supply line and the water hasn’t been in use for a while.

You can also get the taste if you use corrosive liquids to clean your fridge. These liquids tend to wear out the copper pipes and the mixture of water and copper is washed into the ice maker.

These issues can be remedied by;

  • Cleaning your Samsung fridge ice maker internal components with warm water mixed with vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Flushing out the refrigerator’s supply line to empty it.
  • Replacing the copper tubing of the refrigerator with a plastic one.

3. Water source

Samsung fridge water connection

While municipal water is considered safe for drinking, the treatment process does not rid the water of any unwanted tastes or odors.

Well, water has a smell and taste too because of the minerals and salts present in it. Since ice cubes are just solidified water, they’ll retain the taste and smell of the water.

This can be sorted by;

  • Installing a water purifier with a carbon filter right on the refrigerator water supply.
  • Get a water treatment system installed professionally, to treat well water.
  • If you have filters, change them at least twice a year while using municipal water, or on an as-needed basis when using well water.

If the water tends to leak on the floor, you can use this troubleshooting guide.

Read Also: The best ice crushers for margaritas

4. Infrequent use of the ice maker

You’re on vacation, and you are no longer using your ice maker as frequently as you were in summer. This causes the ice to become stale as it absorbs dust, and grows mold and mildew from contamination by food particles, causing the ice cubes to have a stale taste.

Here is how to clean the ice maker in a Samsung refrigerator if you intend to leave it unused for a prolonged period:

  • Empty the ice maker of any ice.
  • Detach the removable pieces and clean them using a dishcloth and warm soapy water.
  • Rinse and air dries them.
  • Use a dishcloth and warm soapy water, or one-part water mixed with one part vinegar to clean the ice maker. You can incorporate a toothbrush to access the unreachable parts of your ice maker.
  • Flush vinegar through the water lines and rinse out with warm water to eliminate the smell of vinegar
  • Disconnect the water supply to the refrigerator and turn off the ice maker.

You can now enjoy your vacation.


Hopefully, the tips provided above will help you when the ice smells bad or tastes terrible in the refrigerator. In addition to these tips, clean your fridge on a regular basis. This way, your fridge and everything in it won’t have any foul odors.

Read Also: Fix: Frigidaire refrigerator ice maker is not working