Shark Ion robot R75 vacuum cleaner review

The recent advancement in technology has seen robotics take on a whole new level of our daily tasks. For instance, we can now delegate some house chores like vacuum cleaning and laundry to robots.

In time, we can be sure that eventually, robots can take over each chore needed around our homes.

There are many robot vacuum cleaners in the market for you to choose from and they all come with various standard and unique features.

Some have WIFI connectivity and allow you to pair them up with your smartphone to control them and monitor their progress.

With all that in mind, we are going to look at one of the vacuum cleaning robots that you can find in the current market – the Shark Ion Robot R75 vacuum cleaner.

Shark Ion robot R75 features

Shark ion robot cleaner

The Shark Ion Robot vacuum comes in an impressive design like some of the best vacuum cleaner robots out there. It has two side brushes and one big motorized brush at the center for cleaning out dirt.

This design is quite effective because it makes it possible for the Shark Ion Robot vacuum to pick out dirt even in tight corners and edges.

In terms of aesthetics, this vacuum robot is appealing to the eye with its black and matte grey finish with some hint of gold.

This vacuum cleaner works in a three-stage cleaning system, which involves two side brushes and a single motorized brush. The latter uses a helix pattern and high tensile bristles for the needed agitation on bare floor surfaces.

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This makes it as efficient as some of the most popular robot vacuums like the Roomba and the Hoover Quest 800.

These brushes work together effectively to clean most floor surfaces that are bare. During the cleaning process, the collision avoidance system in this cleaner works impressively well though it kind of hinders wall-hugging for effective cleaning in the corners.

The Ion R75 can also clean carpets. But is primarily meant for bare floor surfaces, it will not be as effective on thicker carpets. It also features an easy to empty tray-type dustbin that has a big enough capacity to handle your vacuum cleaning demands.

Cleaning pattern

It has three buttons – the Clean button activates the set cleaning mode, which sets the robot in a random cleaning pattern until it runs out of juice.

The Spot button sets the robot to concentrate its cleaning mechanism on an area by maintaining a spiral motion. Dock, which is the other button sets the robot to return to its base for recharging.

To navigate around your house without hitting obstacles, the Shark Ion Robot vacuum uses proximity sensors, which detect these obstacles.

In addition to this, the Ion Shark 750 has WIFI connectivity and comes with a companion smartphone app on both Android and iOS.

Shark ion robot R75 app

The intuitive app lets you access the Clean, Spot, and Dock functions as well as scheduling features. Real-time status updates are not available though despite having an app.

Regarding size, this product might the shortest vacuum cleaner of its kind available right now. Standing at just 2.8 inches tall, it can reach beneath most furniture in your house.


Vacuum cleaners are known to be noisy machines but the Shark Ion Robot is relatively quiet. For this reason, you can use it and still be able to conduct other activities around your house without having problems with the noise.

Also, the Shark Ion Robot 750 with WIFI connectivity allows you to remotely operate it from your phone. This feature is crucial given today’s movement towards the Internet of Things.

It also has Alexa compatibility meaning you can use voice commands to control some of its functions.

Another reason that makes this product is the side brushes. They do a brilliant job in removing dirt from corners and edges.


Price is one of if not the most important consideration that any buyer looks at. For the Shark Ion Robot – the price is a bit on the higher end. This is because you can find some other equally capable robot vacuums at a significantly lower price.

If you have thick carpets that require deep cleaning then this robot is not the right choice for you. It only works best on lighter carpets and bare surfaces.

Battery life is also another concern given that some older robot models. This is given that it can last longer than the Shark Ion robot R75. Though it is still adequate to get the job done.


Being the first product of this type from the company, the Shark Ion stacks up well enough against the competition. Though it could do much better, this product easily gets the job done. We should expect improvements in future upgrades if there will be any.

Performance is above average, and investing in the Shark Ion robot R75 vacuum cleaner won’t be an utter disappointment. You can check the price on Amazon, and if it is beyond your budget, you can get other cheaper and good alternatives.